Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hearing Test Results

I was fully prepared to be told that Isaac's hearing was completely lost in his left ear but IT'S NOT!!! He has partial hearing - it's not perfect but we will take it. This is good in more ways than one. It means his hearing nerve was not severed and since the hearing nerve is in very close association with the facial nerve, means the paralysis in his face could recover. Isn't it amazing?? I am so incredibly happy!! Keeping the faith and staying positive works!!

We weren't given specific results of the cat scan yet but we do know that we have four days for this drip to stop or surgery may be required. It has slowed down quite a bit so hopefully it dries up soon!

Also, the rehab doctor came today and saw Isaac walking...yes walking - and he was amazed. I mean truly this boy is a MIRACLE!! Anyway, he said that because of his impressive progress, outpatient rehab could be all that he requires. At first I really wanted inpatient - as it would be so all-encompassing and would definitely propel him in the right direction but looking at Isaac's progress now, I'm not sure he needs it! Outpatient rehab would require a few appointments per week to work on a few issues that do still need a bit of work.

We are definitely looking forward to normality again - however it may be. I picked Sydney up at daycare this afternoon and we went to the end of the summer party, then she came up to the hospital. When I had to say goodbye to her, it was devastating. For both of us. She wants to come home and be with us - it's hard to have to tell your daughter that right now, Isaac needs us more than she does. Very hard. I keep reinforcing that this will all come to an end soon and we miss her very much but every day that goes by makes it tougher. Not quite sure how I'm going to make this up to her.


Nancy said...

Best news I heard all day!!! Yippee!! Kids are something else and Isaac is doing so well, I am very optimistic for him.

Poor Sydney, it has been very hard on her, and I know you feel bad that she cannot be home with you. Kids can be very forgiving though and I know you will find a way to let her know again that she is just as important as Isaac to the both of you.

Love and kisses and prayers every night!

What a boy that Isaac!

Scrapping in Circles said...

When I was living in the Mary Bridge parent apartments for the entire month of August last year, I felt so guilty that my other two children were without me except for a couple visits during the week and weekends. You need to just let that guilt go. You don't and can't "make it up to them." You're doing exactly what you should be right now. Just keep telling Sydney how much Isaac needs you right now. Let her know that if she was ever in the hospital you'd be there for her. Explain to her that she wouldn't want to be alone either. Kids really can get it. It will still be hard on her now. My kids, especially my four-year-old, constantly asked, "Why can't you come home with us?" When I finally was able to come home, it was not an issue. I just did my best to make sure they knew how much I loved and missed them as well. I also tried to give them "jobs" to help with Joseph to make them feel special too. The nurses in the PICU were really good about doing that also. You might check with the family coordinator to see if she has things for Sydney to do when she's visiting. She was GREAT at talking to the kids about things like that and giving them "special jobs".

Wonderful news about Isaac!!! We'll continue our prayers. My daughter asks every day to check your blog to see new pictures and read about Isaac. She also wanted Sydney to know that she knows how she feels being away from her mom and she hopes you'll all be together again soon.

ronnie said...

some really great`s great to see Gods power at work. sydney will be fine when things get somewhat normal. we still pray for isaac at church. last night at bible study i was looking back in genesis and had made a notation that isaac means he laughs you probably knew this already but thought i`d throw it in.

love and prayers
ronnie and vickie

tommiseena said...

optimism goes much farther than pessimism. poke that one doctor in the eye for me would ya? lol. maybe it is because i am a nurse and am aware that time is all alot of things need. maybe it was my sisters head injury (as an adult) or maybe even my own head injury as a child, but i am gonna hang onto the optimism and keep rooting for this little man. see where it has gotten us so far! (well, some people call it optimism, but it is actually faith)prayers continue.