Saturday, May 24, 2008

Shore Duty Shmore Duty

Another Saturday morning and Lyndon's at work - again. I just have to rant a little because one big reason we took these orders in Jacksonville was that they were shore duty (compared to sea duty where you're leaving on deployments). Most shore duties are a total cake walk - work at 8 - home at 2. Well, this shore duty is NOT at all your typical one. Lyndon leaves at 5am and is home about 5pm - five days a week. This is the second Saturday in a row he has had to work. It's crap!!! Of course I would rather have this schedule then him having to leave 6 months out of the year but come on!!! What keeps me sane is knowing we have only 270 days (we actually have a ticker on our computer) until he's out - yes OUT!!! I can't WAIT!!! This stuff is for the birds!!!

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