Tuesday, October 13, 2009


In two more days, I go back to work full time and Isaac goes back to daycare full time. It's overwhelming to think about. Lately, I've been so anxious when it comes to anything and everything Isaac. Like when I talk about him to friends, I feel my blood pressure rise, I talk faster, I stumble on my words because I just can't get over the fears I have yet. Maybe it's to be expected - almost like post traumatic stress but it's not a great feeling. Having the reduced hours has been great - it means that Isaac is only at daycare for about three hours before he naps and shortly after he wakes up from nap, I pick him up. Now he will be dropped off at 7 a.m. - he naps at 12:30 p.m. so that's a long stretch of play. Anyway, it's going to be like bringing him for the first time again for me I think...

Isaac had three falls last week. First he fell off a stool at my mom's house - right onto his head. We were freaked. We called the pediatrician and once we finally spoke with our doctor, were told that he would be telling us exactly what he would tell any parent of a "normal" two year old. Because Isaac's fractures were most likely healed by now. Later in the week he took a tumble down our stairs and bonked his head and on Friday he fell out of a chair at daycare...onto his head. Maybe this has helped contribute to my increased anxiousness lately. Anyhow, I finally called his pediatrician in a panic on Friday. I want another CT scan - I want to know that his fractures have healed - that falling on his head hasn't re-injured anything, etc. He said no. He doesn't feel he needs one because there are no signs that there have been any damage. To the brain or the skull. Again, he feels he's a normal two year old. So hard to grasp....even now.


Scrapping in Circles said...

I know how you feel. Personally, I think they should go ahead and do the scan just in case. I find myself worrying about my little guy especially during the last few weeks with so many kids getting sick. Last winter they gave him RSV shots, but he is considered "normal" now, so he doesn't get them. It's hard to think of him as normal when we spent so long in the PICU with him. Good luck and we'll keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

BTW, is there any way for you to keep your part-time hours, or does your employeer not allow that?

Sarah O-L said...

Hi Rebecca - Michelle Grant is our office manager and I heard your story from her. I have seen your blog and I am so concerned for your family - I know all too well what it means to have a child in the hospital and the terror of moving forward in the real world. Our son was hospitalized for 7 weeks and it was HARD to let go of the anxiety when he finally came home, not to mention the long-term concerns. I would love to share some supportive thoughts and suggestions if you would like - you can email me directly at skaho25@yahoo.com. In any case, I send you and your family my very best.
-Sarah Ohaks-Lerner