Monday, August 30, 2010

Sydney's Question.....

I took Sydney with me to the dry cleaner where they had a bowl of candy. She pulled out a tootsie roll and asked the clerk what it was. The gal told her it was a tootsie roll.....she had a little bit of an accent. Sydney asked her if the "toot"sie roll would make her toot. Hilarious!

1 comment:

Roni said...

Hi, I stumbled upon your blog doing research on cross face nerve grafts as I am currently recovering from the surgery. I looked at your pictures of Isaac and would love to chat with you. I am an accountant and I have three kids, I was diagnosed with bells palsy in 2007 and finally had the surgery August 19th. Anyway, if you see this please touch base, I'd like to find out how he is healing and what the prognosis is for his facial animation.