Saturday, October 4, 2008

Zumba Jam

They had a one year anniversary party at my gym today from 9 to 1. It was kicked off by a "Zumba Jam" with a live DJ/mixer dude - and after the dance party was over, there was a ton of fun stuff to do there for the kids. I got Sydney's hair cut (new picture to come), we rode the party train, jumped on the bouncy toy and had all sorts of fun. Isaac had come too and spent the first part dancing and being the cutest part of the show - then he went into the daycare where he proceeded to fall asleep in the middle of the floor and take a good 45 min. nap!

Here's a shot of me before heading to the jam in the type of clothing you wear to zumba....or at least some of us do. You can't quite see the pant detail but they're hip-hop/cargo pants. I know! Aren't I a hip 30(ish) mom??

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