Wednesday, August 19, 2009

An Update

Today has been a bit of a roller coaster. Isaac's levels were up this morning - in the 13 - 14 range. Not good. However they have gone down to 10 which makes us much happier.

I snuck in a nap and that felt good. Usually when I leave for a bit, his numbers improve. Just a coincidence I'm sure.

They are trying to keep the stimulation around him down. He's been moved to a quieter room and we're trying to whisper when near him. Its so hard not to hold him. They told me that it will be at least 5 to 7 days until I get to hold my baby. That's going to be hard.

They are starting to feed him through a tube which is good.

More to come as we know more...


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you are able to take the time to leave updates but I'm glad! I keep checking here for new updates. Hang in there! I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

Sherry said...

Thanks for the updates! Praying for you guys.

Cheryle Kaldestad said...

My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you! Thank you for taking time to give us the updates. Prayers are being sent to you by hundreds of people!! I wish there was more we could do! I can't imagine what you are going through! We are so sorry!! Prayer and positive thinking is very powerful and little Isaac WILL do well through all of this!!!
Love and Hugs,
Jim and Cheryle K.

Unknown said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. my mom (who resides in India) is also holding little Issac in her toughts and prayers and sending you strength. Thank you for these updates.
Issac is a fighter and he will get through this one.
Take care-
Sweekriti and Eric Apple

Unknown said...

Just believe
Sydney could be right