Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse.....those were the first words out of Isaac's mouth this morning. We are so encouraged by his progress today. He showed interest in playing with his trucks and cars and he even spewed a few words our direction. A little bit more of his personality was there and he is now off most medications. They did an EEG this morning that OK'd him to stop a medication that prevents seizures.

He unfortunately pulled his feeding tube out of his nose so we are awaiting a swallow test to see if he will start to eat some applesauce or pudding. He's very leery of doctors now and anything coming near his face - no big surprise there because of all the trauma his poor little head has gone through.

We realize big leaps like this may not come daily but today was awesome! The PT and OT gals were so pleased with the improvement from yesterday. We had some visitors who were also relieved to see him progressing so well.

Thank you all for your prayers and support!


Nancy said...

All smiles here for this wonderful and amazing boy! WTG Isaac!

ronnie said...

glad we had a great day. with all the prayers it is certain to continue.

love ronnie and vickie

Anonymous said...

Finally tears of joy! Picking his nose, that is so freaking cute!! I know you have a long road a head of you but he looks so much better.

I'm hoping to come visit soon if that's OK? I'm trying to get Ellen to join me. I'll check in with you to see when would be best once I hear back from her.


Unknown said...

PRAISE JESUS!!! I am so happy. Rebecca, you have the look of joy in your eyes! The pic of you a few days ago seemed like the saddest eyes I have ever seen (rightfully so) but today's picture...JOY!
Praise God.
I love all the pics, the finger up the nose, all us mom's know that WAS NOT staged! :O) I have some of those pics myself. Last week my Gabe (after being told not to do that) said "MOM, I AM DOIN' THIS!"
Love you girl! Hoping you are well.
I am so excited. Jesus answers prayers! Hug Hug Hug you from afar!

Scrapping in Circles said...

He's looking so much healthier and happier. What a blessing!!! Our prayers continue and we're crossing our fingers that he can take the feeding tube out.

The Barbieri Family said...

Dear Becca, great to read things were going so much better for you all yesterday. I'll also keep praying and hoping Isaac will recover as soon as possible.

I have two sons; Matteo is 27 months and Alessio is 4 months. With Matteo we've been to the hospital twice with head injuries; so far "only" bruises and stiches, but I can imagine how frigthening this all has been for you. However, it seems that Isaac has done a miracle recovery already in a week and all the prayers will certainly carry you all during the next week as well.

All my love, Hanna (the Finnish girl from SGC)