Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Morning


Well Isaac hasn't quite woken up yet. Last night the determination was made by the doctors to sedate him enough to let him sleep peacefully through the night. Uncle Justin took the night shift under the assumption that Isaac would be sedated enough he would be konked out. Well, not so much. Our little guy is under 4 - 5 times the normal doses of pain and anxiety medication and is still fighting to move around. What a little fighter. This is a good sign the doctors say. Extremely severe brain injured children would not have to have much pain and anxiety medication.

This morning, they took the brain bolt out of his head. When he was admitted they had drilled a hole the size of a pinkie in his little noggin in order to monitor to measure the swelling of his brain. His levels have remained at a "normal" enough level that the doctor was ready to take it out. They took it out about 9:00 a.m. and he looks so much better with one less large tube coming out of him. The hole has been stapled and should be just one more little scar on his body.

Around noon they will be doing an MRI on him. They will have to give him a paralytic again so he does not move during this. The MRI results are critical. They are going to tell us what kind of damage has been done to his brain. The doctor has prepared us for the worse - which could be major brain damage and even a condition called Diffuse axonal injury which would mean he would remain in a coma for a long amount of time. The chance of this condition is about 10%. Please pray the lasting effects are minimal!!!

We have been amazed by the amount of love, support and prayers that Isaac and we have been receiving. We are SO thankful and feel so blessed to have our friends and family by our side.

The MRI procedure will take about two hours so we are planning on heading to our house to pack some more clothes and just see where things are down there. Some dear friends, Katie and Megan, went to our house and cleaned last night so we aren't worried about walking into a home that is the chaos I normally leave it in the morning. I am a bit worried about walking by Isaac's room, seeing his things, his cars, his airplanes, his trains...I pray I get my little boy back!!! That is the scariest part right now - not knowing if he will be the same - not knowing if we need to teach him to walk again, to talk again, etc. If he will still be excited about every airplane that flies overhead, if he will say thank you every time you do anything for him.....BUT we are so thankful he is ALIVE.


Nancy Reed said...

So glad to see this update this morning, have kept checking back here.

Many, many prayers for Isaac being said in Texas.

Aunt nancy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the updates, though I cry when reading them it keeps my thoughts with you guys and reminds me to hug and kiss my babies all day long. I'm happy to see that he still looks like Isaac and I pray he is that same crazy little Isaac in weeks to come.


Anonymous said...

Hi Rebecca - I'm a good friend of Sarah Mollas - we met once at Lemongrass...I'm so sorry to hear about this and just wanted to you know that we're praying for you Isaac too. Our little ones are close to the same age so it really hits home. I hope that good news keeps coming for him and your family. We'll keep you in our prayers. ~Mindy

Andrea said...

I'm so happy to hear that Isaac is improving. I check your updates everytime I log on to my computer. When Sherry told me the news on Tuesday it broke my heart. Know that my family is praying daily for Isaac's quick recovery and your families strength through all of this. Andrea, Jeff, Jazzmine, Trevor and Jake

tommiseena said...

still here reading up on your son, still sending prayers up for his healing and strength for you during all this.
tims mom

ronnie said...

rebecca and lyndon
we(aunt vickie and uncle ronnie (tx.) send all our love and prayers to ya`ll and all involved in issacs care and will certainly put you on the prayer list for our church as well
ronnie and vickie

Sara said...

Hi. I am a friend of Jessica F. I was very sick in the PICU when I was a toddler. The nurses took a polaroid picture of me when I was at my sickest, with tubes every which way. Since college, I have kept a copy accessible at all times so during my darkest hours I can look at it and realize what I've already battled and that I'm here for a reason. Major motivator. I'm so glad to hear your latest good news!

Unknown said...

Isaac is improving great!!! i am very glad to hear this thanks for updating!!!
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