Monday, April 28, 2008

Saving Money

These days, money just doesn't come easy for us - or probably anyone for that matter. With gas prices being super high and our family trying to make it on one income, I'm trying to find ways to cut back on our expenses. Here are a few of the things I've been doing lately to help our bottom line....

* I've been writing out my menu for the week on Sunday's. This way, I know what we need to buy and I'm not just grabbing things I'm not going to use. Normally I end up trashing way too much produce!

* I've been mostly making my own baby food. I just boil or bake the veggies or whatever and puree them in the food processor. I freeze them in ice trays and pop them in a Ziploc to use whenever. This has been WAY more economical than jars. He's yet to eat a jar of baby food and now we've moved on to more than veggies! It helps too that I'm still nursing - saving all that money vs. feeding formula. Luckily, it's gone well for us....

* Sydney being potty trained is helping a lot. Buying diapers for one is enough!

* Buy smart! 100 calorie snack packs are so convenient - but expensive! Same with lettuce. We pay extra for someone to wash and rip the lettuce. I yesterday paid .89 cents for a head of green leaf lettuce. I washed it myself and prepared it. It gave me the equivalent to probably 3 - 4 bags of the stuff - at $2 + per bag - significant savings there. With the snacks, buy the big bags and take a few extra minutes when home from the grocery store and package them in little snack baggies. I'm sure this applies to way more than just snacks and lettuce . . .

These are just just some of the things I've started to change lately. There are many more things I am planning on implementing - including hanging clothes out to dry, biking a little more to the store in by myself in the evenings, etc.

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