Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Another visit home on the way!

I just booked our tickets to Seattle this summer. Since July is a miserably hot month here, the kids and I will pretty much be there the whole month - July 2nd to July 29th!! Lyndon comes with us on the 2nd but returns July 15th. We are so excited!!! Especially since we'll be there for the 4th of July and our Godson Joe's second BD!!! It will also be our first time to meet Baby George, to see my good friend Nicole quite preggo AND to be there for Liv's BD! So much to look forward to. Let the planning begin!!!

Since this will probably be our last visit before the big move, we'll be doing a lot of driving around areas during the week. Since we feel we're probably moving towards the south end, we want to familiarize ourselves with some of the communities down south (think Puyallup, Federal Way, Lacey, Olympia). If anyone has any tips or places we should check out - let us know!

Hoping to catch a Mariner's game while we're there too!

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