I've decided to turn back to the tried and true way for me to communicate some of the feelings/emotions that bubble over when I have something stressful going on in my life. I will be using this blog to keep friends and family up-to-date and to process what's going on with my mom.
Currently, mom has Stage IV Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. The cancer has spread to her liver, peritoneal cavity, some spots on her bones and most recently, a spot on her brain. This is a recurrence of her previous bout back in 2010 - 2011. She has been fighting this recurrence since March 2013 - just after Gunnar was born. Her liver has been the area of most concern as it continues to spread and many of the spots have come together to make larger masses. More recently, my mom has been having some confusion - well she kinda loses her train of thought. Mid-sentence - it's gone. We thought it could be "chemo brain" which isn't an actual condition but just a potential side effect of being on that crap for too long. She's not stopped since she was re diagnosed. Anyway, they scanned her brain and there was a tumor. They did radiation about a month ago but she's still experiencing quite a bit of forgetfulness.
In the last couple of weeks, mom is experiencing a lot of issues. Her hip/back have really been bothering her. Let me rephrase that - they hurt - and it's not going away. She is having difficulty mustering up any energy, both physically and mentally. Most know that my mom, up until recently, is a very active lady! A hard worker, exercises every day, very mentally engaging - all of these things. Well she's just lost a lot of that - and it's happened very quickly. (*insert prayer request here).
Yesterday she had three scans. Her brain, her chest (took look at her liver/lungs/etc.) and her back. We are wondering if the pain her her back (which is now way worse than the hip) is a result of the cancer spreading in her bones. Originally, we thought it may have been because she did some yard work a couple of weeks ago but as time moves forward and her pain is staying the same and maybe getting a little worse, it has us all very worried.
After her scans, my parents, Justin, Lyndon and I all met and enjoyed a memorable evening (adults only!) in downtown Seattle going out for dinner and seeing Book of Mormon at the Paramount. It was a lot of fun. Here are a few pics from our evening!
So today we are all a bit anxious awaiting the call from her doctor with her scan results. Today we will just get the results of the chest and back - she has an appointment on Monday regarding the brain (which she seems to be most anxious about).
Please keep mom and all of us in your thoughts and prayers! This is a very emotional time for us all right now. However, we feel so fortunate to have each other!!
Will keep you updated.
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