I feel like for the last couple of weeks we've just been going and going and going! Last Sunday we travelled to Orlando to use our Disney season passes before they blacked out for the summer. We stayed near the parks and did Magic Kingdom Sunday & Tuesday and Hollywood Studios Monday. This trip, Sydney met princesses for the first time! She met Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and Belle! They really do it right at Disney and make it all about the kids - and they don't just rush everyone through - they gave Sydney so much attention, asked her questions and really just made her feel like a princess herself. It was awesome! At Hollywood Studios, she met Leo (Little Einsteins)
and Handy Manny - then the rest of the day was pretty much filled with Lyndon and I taking turns on the Rock n' Roller Coaster.
Wednesday was Sydney's last day of preschool for the summer - she's going to miss her friends but I think we'll be getting together with a few of them over the summer.
Other recent events included a beach trip with The Ferguson's on Friday and a boat trip with The Ferguson's yesterday. We were out on the water fairly early yesterday as it was the Poker Run.
Once we got back to Doctor's Lake, we all jumped in the water to cool off and we swam for a couple of hours - it was perfect!
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