A friend of a friend here in Olympia has suffered a horrible, tragic loss. It's gripping me in ways I never imagined. Amanda is a good friend of my friend, Brooke. Although I have only met her once, I gathered from that meeting that she was a sweet, good person and above all, an amazing mom.
On Sunday, her middle daughter, Charley (6), was suffering from a fever and temperature. Thinking it was a flu or bug, they treated her with OTC medicines until she it seemed to be possibly something more and they took to to the ER. The ER recommended she see a specialist at Mary Bridge and they drove her there where at that moment, she went into septic shock. All of her organs began to fail and within hours, they lost their dear, sweet, beautiful daughter.
It hits close to home as a mother more than anything. I cannot imagine the pain she is feeling. Please keep the Beers family in your thoughts and prayers. If you are on facebook, search "Charley Beers - we love you!"