I'm sorry for posting again....but I just can't help but think. What did I do? Continuing my pity party....
What did I do???????
Why am I being dealt these cards? I am going back in my life, in my teens...when we all did stupid stuff. When I was not nice to certain people, when I did those bad things that teens sometimes do, when I was mean to my parents, a jerk to my brother, broke a boyfriends heart, etc. Apparently all those things are coming back to me now.
I have realized and acknowledged all these things earlier but I have been such a good person in my adult years. I love. I love those around me, thought of all those who have I have wronged and those who have wronged me as growing experiences and regret but correct those actions. Yet I apparently will be penalized. How do I not think like this???
Sunday, February 28, 2010
So it goes
Not really enjoying much about life today and I just have all these questions. Hundreds of questions....like why didn't we push to do this surgery sooner if the muscle dying was an issue, why didn't they notice the lack of muscle when they stimulated his nerve a month ago, why didn't they just grab the muscle and continue with the surgery yesterday?
Trying so hard to be happy and grateful for what we have but am still just so discouraged and in the why me/pity party stage. Isn't that horrible? It's like the USA men's hockey team today. They did awesome...silver - but still, they looked so bummed today when receiving their medals. How ungrateful. That's how I feel.
We came home yesterday (Saturday) so just one night in the hospital because Isaac progressed so well yesterday. Walking, talking, eating, etc. So it is definitely nice to be in the comfort of our own home.
Lyndon goes to work tomorrow and I will be home with Isaac. His incisions are still bloody and we can't give him a wash yet for a couple of days. He's got his energy back but is limping due to the leg incisions and his face is really swollen (think chipmunk). Actually, I'll probably post some pictures as soon as I can.
Trying so hard to be happy and grateful for what we have but am still just so discouraged and in the why me/pity party stage. Isn't that horrible? It's like the USA men's hockey team today. They did awesome...silver - but still, they looked so bummed today when receiving their medals. How ungrateful. That's how I feel.
We came home yesterday (Saturday) so just one night in the hospital because Isaac progressed so well yesterday. Walking, talking, eating, etc. So it is definitely nice to be in the comfort of our own home.
Lyndon goes to work tomorrow and I will be home with Isaac. His incisions are still bloody and we can't give him a wash yet for a couple of days. He's got his energy back but is limping due to the leg incisions and his face is really swollen (think chipmunk). Actually, I'll probably post some pictures as soon as I can.
Friday, February 26, 2010
We were called about 7pm and were told the surgery was finished. The surgeons came in and reported that he did very well.....however......when they went to stimulate the nerves before connecting to them, they could not get a response from his muscles. What this means is that it is possible that the muscles in his face have already died - which once dead, they will not come back. If this is truly the case then the graft they did today will not have an impact on the paralysis. In order for it to have an impact, they would need to go back in, take a muscle from his leg and put in his face/cheek. If they need to replace the muscle, this is something they would do approximately when he turns 5 years old.
Due to the lack of response in the muscle, they did not stick to the original plan (which was to attach the grafted nerve to as many branches as possible), they just attached it to the middle trunk. This trunk would enable him to blink, move his cheek and smile but will not allow his brow to move or his lower lip.
However, they did mention that children are resilient and often miraculous (as we can attest to). So even though the muscle appears to have died, we were told by the surgeons they are optimistic.
Recovery was pretty rough as he's vomited a few times and was very upset when he first woke up. He's now resting comfortably thanks to a good dose of morphine.
So as we are most definitely discouraged, we remind ourselves where we were six months ago, how lucky we are to have our sweet boy and that there is still hope for improvement.
We plan on being here for two to three days and I will update again tomorrow.
Due to the lack of response in the muscle, they did not stick to the original plan (which was to attach the grafted nerve to as many branches as possible), they just attached it to the middle trunk. This trunk would enable him to blink, move his cheek and smile but will not allow his brow to move or his lower lip.
However, they did mention that children are resilient and often miraculous (as we can attest to). So even though the muscle appears to have died, we were told by the surgeons they are optimistic.
Recovery was pretty rough as he's vomited a few times and was very upset when he first woke up. He's now resting comfortably thanks to a good dose of morphine.
So as we are most definitely discouraged, we remind ourselves where we were six months ago, how lucky we are to have our sweet boy and that there is still hope for improvement.
We plan on being here for two to three days and I will update again tomorrow.
Today's the Day
We are on our way to Seattle for the big operation! It has been so different to be able to prepare emotionally for this. Obviously it is much less traumatic - thank goodness! We are so positive that everything will go well today but we will not be seeing results for 6 months to 2 years....so it will be hard to wait! As I understand it, all, some, or none of these nerve connections can work. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst type of thing.
At his pre-op appointment on Monday, we were told the surgery will last approximately 4 hours. It starts at noon. Which means he hasn't been able to eat all morning. We thought this was going to be a huge challenge but it actually hasn't been that bad!
So we anticipate to get small updates while the surgery is going on, then once he's recovered from the anestesia we will be able to see him and be transferred to a regular room.
My parents, brother and a couple friends will be with us at various times throughout the day and my Unce Richard will be meeting us there to pray before he goes back. We are so very grateful for the love and support we have - knowing so many are keeping us in their thoughts and prayers today is truly a source of strength for us!
Will keep you posted!
At his pre-op appointment on Monday, we were told the surgery will last approximately 4 hours. It starts at noon. Which means he hasn't been able to eat all morning. We thought this was going to be a huge challenge but it actually hasn't been that bad!
So we anticipate to get small updates while the surgery is going on, then once he's recovered from the anestesia we will be able to see him and be transferred to a regular room.
My parents, brother and a couple friends will be with us at various times throughout the day and my Unce Richard will be meeting us there to pray before he goes back. We are so very grateful for the love and support we have - knowing so many are keeping us in their thoughts and prayers today is truly a source of strength for us!
Will keep you posted!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Cross Facial Nerve Graft Surgery...February 26th
It has been awhile since I've blogged about Isaac's recovery and where we go from here. At the end of January, we had three tests done at Children's Hospital in Seattle. We had a consultation there in December with the Craniofacial clinic - specifically with facial reanimation surgeons who specialize in things such as permanent facial paralysis. They ordered these tests which included a BEARS hearing test to determine Isaac's current hearing situation in his left ear, an EMG which shocked the facial nerves to see if a really strong shock would be felt by his brain and another MRI to attempt to get a better look at one of the fractures that they believe would've severed his facial nerves.
Immediately we got results from the audiologist that Isaac's hearing has declined since tests were last run in September and they have determined that his hearing has almost been completely lost in that left ear. The results of the other two tests, we had to wait a week to hear the results of those but as a result of the hearing results were prepared for the worst....thank goodness (usually I'm a glass half-full kinda gal).
We had a followup appointment with them and they determined as a result of those tests that the probability that the nerve was in fact severed by that fracture was nearly certain. The EMG showed that his brain did not react to any of the very strong shocks they imposed on the nerve. And although the MRI proved difficult to read, it showed the fracture of the skull near where the cochlea is (where the hearing, facial nerves and balance nerves run through) was in fact severed. Severed nerves do not repair themselves.
P.S. I know you shouldn't start sentences with "and" but it works for me....
So in the same appointment, we met with a facial reanimation surgeon and a micro-surgeon and they both recommend Isaac have a cross-facial nerve graft. We believe that given the result of tests, this is the best option we have for Isaac to regain full control again of the left side of his face.
What they will do in this surgery is actually take a nerve from his leg - a nerve that gives feeling to the outside of one of his feet - they will take it and make incisions on both sides of his face. They will use that nerve to connect the right side nerves of his face (the good side) to the left side of his face. This would mean that the right side would control the left side.
Some detailed information to exactly what the lack of the facial nerve inhibits....
* Isaac's brow does not furrow.
* Isaac's eye will not blink.
* Isaac's nose does not crinkle.
* Isaac cannot smile on the left side of his face.
As you can see in the image below, the left eye always remains wide open and his lips on the left side can not curve into a smile, which as you will see, results in a droop.
A successful surgery will mean he regains full function on the entire left side of his face but it will mimic his right....so no winking (who cares). He will smile and most importantly blink his eye. Right now because his lid does not fully close we have to continually put false tear drops in it and a lubricant at night. He does not sleep with one eye open as gravity pulls it down but more often than not, it does not fully close.
Of course there are risks associated with the surgery and we will be fully aware of those risks very soon. As I understand via research we have done online and what the surgeons have told us thus far, he could suffer dyskenesis or synkenesis which is where all the fibres fire at once so that indivual control of mouth, eyes, forehead etc. can be difficult but could be altered with physical therapy. Another risk could be that movement of the "good/right" side could be impacted.
However, we are focusing on the positive which is that in this situation, there are potential solutions to his current medical condition.
His cross-facial nerve graft surgery is scheduled for February 26th. Results of the surgery may not be known until as early as 6 months and as late as 2 years. However, we are just so thankful that there is something that can be done. The surgeons were anxious to schedule for as soon as possible as results are best as close to the accident as possible.
We of course, are hoping for an amazing outcome. Below you will see a facial nerve graft image. It shows the track of the nerves and how they will be connected (through lifting of his face and under his nose). This is a very serious surgery and we appreciate prayers and well wishes for the success of this surgery and the swift recovery of our sweet boy.
Immediately we got results from the audiologist that Isaac's hearing has declined since tests were last run in September and they have determined that his hearing has almost been completely lost in that left ear. The results of the other two tests, we had to wait a week to hear the results of those but as a result of the hearing results were prepared for the worst....thank goodness (usually I'm a glass half-full kinda gal).
We had a followup appointment with them and they determined as a result of those tests that the probability that the nerve was in fact severed by that fracture was nearly certain. The EMG showed that his brain did not react to any of the very strong shocks they imposed on the nerve. And although the MRI proved difficult to read, it showed the fracture of the skull near where the cochlea is (where the hearing, facial nerves and balance nerves run through) was in fact severed. Severed nerves do not repair themselves.
P.S. I know you shouldn't start sentences with "and" but it works for me....
So in the same appointment, we met with a facial reanimation surgeon and a micro-surgeon and they both recommend Isaac have a cross-facial nerve graft. We believe that given the result of tests, this is the best option we have for Isaac to regain full control again of the left side of his face.
What they will do in this surgery is actually take a nerve from his leg - a nerve that gives feeling to the outside of one of his feet - they will take it and make incisions on both sides of his face. They will use that nerve to connect the right side nerves of his face (the good side) to the left side of his face. This would mean that the right side would control the left side.
Some detailed information to exactly what the lack of the facial nerve inhibits....
* Isaac's brow does not furrow.
* Isaac's eye will not blink.
* Isaac's nose does not crinkle.
* Isaac cannot smile on the left side of his face.
As you can see in the image below, the left eye always remains wide open and his lips on the left side can not curve into a smile, which as you will see, results in a droop.
A successful surgery will mean he regains full function on the entire left side of his face but it will mimic his right....so no winking (who cares). He will smile and most importantly blink his eye. Right now because his lid does not fully close we have to continually put false tear drops in it and a lubricant at night. He does not sleep with one eye open as gravity pulls it down but more often than not, it does not fully close.
Of course there are risks associated with the surgery and we will be fully aware of those risks very soon. As I understand via research we have done online and what the surgeons have told us thus far, he could suffer dyskenesis or synkenesis which is where all the fibres fire at once so that indivual control of mouth, eyes, forehead etc. can be difficult but could be altered with physical therapy. Another risk could be that movement of the "good/right" side could be impacted.
However, we are focusing on the positive which is that in this situation, there are potential solutions to his current medical condition.
His cross-facial nerve graft surgery is scheduled for February 26th. Results of the surgery may not be known until as early as 6 months and as late as 2 years. However, we are just so thankful that there is something that can be done. The surgeons were anxious to schedule for as soon as possible as results are best as close to the accident as possible.
We of course, are hoping for an amazing outcome. Below you will see a facial nerve graft image. It shows the track of the nerves and how they will be connected (through lifting of his face and under his nose). This is a very serious surgery and we appreciate prayers and well wishes for the success of this surgery and the swift recovery of our sweet boy.

Countries We've Visited

1) Scotland, 2) Ireland, 3) England, 4) Canada, 5) Japan, 6) South Korea, 7) Thailand, 8) Philippines, 9) Singapore, 10) Qatar, 11) Oman, 12) Bahrain, 13) Iraq, 14) Afghanastan, 15) Pakistan, 16) Portugal, 17) Greece, 18) Italy, 19) Spain, 20) UAE, 21) Egypt, 22) Mexico, 23) Cyprus, 24) France, 25) Germany, 26) Denmark, 27) Belgium, 28) Holland, 29) Hungry, 30) Liechtenstein, 31) Switzerland, 32) Austria, 33) Czech Republic
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