We went to see Isaac's pediatrician today as a follow-up and so he's on page with all that has happened in the last three weeks. He has been a source of support for us too while in the hospital, called to check-in and sent a stuffed animal and balloon. He was devastated by the news when he first heard as well.
The follow-up went well. The concern of keeping Isaac's head protected is what we're moving forward with here. And of course the paralysis on the left side of his face. I'm seeing it become more pronounced which is hard.
Anyway, he said one of the big concerns and what we need to be careful of is going forward as parents with Fragile Child Syndrome. I did some research and haven't actually found this to be an actual medical diagnosis but our doctor said it's similar to post traumatic stress disorder. It's just us going forward and working on not treating Isaac like every bump and bruise is the end of the world. Obviously right now we are very over protective. It's just that way. You would be too. But as the fractures heal, the need to be over protective is going to decrease and it might be hard as a parent to let that go. I totally get it and I admit that it may be hard for awhile to let it not affect how we treat Isaac. . . but we'll always try to do what's best for him. And sometimes, as the doctor pointed out, what's best for him may be different from what's best for us. Ya follow?
He recommends I stay home with Isaac for awhile longer to give him the 1:1 attention he needs right now and just take it day by day, week by week. His daycare is working with us and when we drop Sydney off in the mornings, I let him play a little with me supervising so he gets used to it. Actually a nice transition for him!
We have appointments upon appointments for a little while. Followups mostly. We still are not sure if he'll need some rehab. I think a lot depends on what happens with his face. His speech is sometimes difficult to understand. Like he's had some dental work done if that makes sense....
Nap times have been a challenge. I can't leave him alone in his room. I can't or I won't - not sure really. Obviously the best to err on the side of caution in my opinion! So we've changed out his crib and put a mattress on the floor. It's not really working. Nap times and bed times are a pain and he needs good sleep. So I just keep trying. I'm counting on we'll find what works best right before he goes back to daycare and has to acclimate again!