Last Friday we spent a fun impromptu Friday happy hour with The Ferguson's before we went to Orlando and they left on a two week vacation to NC. We have been so lucky here in Florida to have met such wonderful friends we have so much in common with! Robert is here short-term with Bank of America and they'll be moving back to NC in January so it works for both of us - it's been a fun fling! Kidding of course. We look forward to a long friendship with them and are already planning our Napa Valley vacation in the next couple of years!
Last weekend we spent at Disney World. On Saturday the four of us went to Hollywood Studios and it was quite a change from our last outing! Now that Isaac is walking, it's a new adventure! Lines are not so fun but he entertains many of the bystanders!
On Sunday I attended a Zumba certification course and now am ready to teach if I want to. I didn't go so much as to actually teach the course BUT seeing as how we're leaving FL and this is my MAIN source of exercise, figured it would be worth it to get certified. If in the future I can pick up a couple of classes then great! While I was at training, Lyndon and the kids went to Magic Kingdom and had a blast! He took them both on every ride they could go on! By the time they picked me up from my training, the kids were drained and ready for the drive home!
This past Thursday we hooked up with The Brook's family at the Gainsville mall and had fun at the play center and later got some ice cream. We are really going to miss them too when we're gone! Although we don't see them nearly as much as we'd like because of the distance - we always enjoy the time we spend with them!